Designed for personal growth, our programs help you to take charge of your life. Discover your potential and possibilities for fulfilling life and career.

Are there gremlins running amuck with your life?

A gremlin is a habit that stops people from achieving their goals in their personal or professional lifes. A gremlin is an internal habit or a feeling that seems to run on its own accord-something that rises up and then stops you from acting on, or completing, a particular phase of a project.

To start, try asking yourself gremlin-busting questions, like: Where in my life do, I suffer from self-sabotaging mechanisms? How will my life change as I learn to let go of these gremlins? Self-sabotaging behavior is one example of a gremlin. The gremlins are:

01Fear of Dreaming. Being afraid to even consider what is possible. People with this gremlin experience their life from this place of loss of choice as if this were their destiny.

02Fear of Failure. People with this gremlin can literally be a victim of their own minds by sabotaging themselves with their thoughts and beliefs about their lack of resources, capabilities, and skill requirements

03Fear of upsetting people. This gremlin develops when people fear the dissatisfaction or rejection of others as they move toward success.

04Fear of conflict. One way this gremlin appears is as a fear of expressing authentic values when others might be harmed or claim they’ll be harmed by this expression. Another way this shows up is through time and priority management conflicts.

We will explore your gremlin and the impact it is having on your life, whether business or personal. To strengthen what you have learned during our exploration, we will work with members of the herd. They will help you rid your life of remaining obstacles and secure you on your path to success.

Take a look at our Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) Workshop which is specifically designed to help you take charge of your life.

Personal Development sessions can be booked as an individual or small groups of less than 6 participants.


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